I met a Horse

I met a horse.

And he was a character.

I was down by the Rio Grande and a couple of riders came by, stopped and hitched the horses to the hitching post by the parking lot. I was walking back to my car when I asked one of the riders if I could photograph the horses. This guy stood stoic, then I saw the mischievous look in his eye - I started snapping - he started laughing. Maybe the rider was assisting the horse to make faces at me - I don’t know, but I know that these images of the horse really make me smile.

WHI_0025 horse.jpg

Speaking of horses - Hoffman recently released Sun Up to Sundown - Sunset. A Spectrum Digital Print Collection. I created three patterns for the line - Trails End Wall-hanging, Trails End - Table Topper and Bed Runner. The table topper and bed-runner are up on the site. The wall hanging is coming soon.

Trails End - Bed Runner (28” x 85”)

Trails End - Bed Runner (28” x 85”)

Trails End - Wall hanging  (70” x 67”)

Trails End - Wall hanging (70” x 67”)

Trails End - Table Topper (28” x 28”)

Trails End - Table Topper (28” x 28”)

Coming Soon - Quilting around the Block - US Road Tour - New Mexico block will be available on 4/4/2021

Elizabeth Whitehead